1. Define the ways, means and strategies for consolidating the role of States and the action of regional organizations in the Sahel and West Africa;
2. Address the security challenges and those related to the fight against terrorism at the State and regional levels;
3. Support the political transition process while remaining committed to the fight against insecurity and terrorism so as to prevent transition periods from constituting breakthroughs and development of subversive and terrorist activities;
4. Reflect on the issue and the possibilities of dialogue with rebel groups or violent extremism in the current regional context of the fight against terrorism;
5. Define appropriate actions that can effectively impact the social life of local populations and communities in order to strengthen their resilience;
6. Encourage the international community, in particular the technical and financial partners of West African countries and the Sahel region, to provide better support for social policies in the States;
7. Create a strong alliance of African and international partners around the need to secure the Sahel, West Africa and any other region of the continent facing terrorism and the risk of destabilization;
8. Adopt a so-called "Lomé Declaration" on political transitions and the fight against terrorism in the Sahel and West Africa.